
Archive for January, 2010

Ok, so I just wrote this long post about using textures, re-read it and then deleted the whole thing.  I then re-wrote it… and yes, deleted it again.  It seems as though my brain is a bit farty on this wonderful Friday.  So I will just say this.  I am inspired by photographers who use actions and textures to turn a really good photo into a work of art.  That’s not to say a photo can’t be a work of art without these, but it’s one great way to add so much to a photo and transform it into something new.  So many photographers are amazing at it and when I look at their work, my eyes are drawn through their use of actions & textures, blurs and vignettes, light and color…and so much more.  These artists allow the person viewing their image to see it through their own eyes and be drawn into the emotion and depth of the photo. 

These photos are my attempt at what I was trying to describe above.  With each look, I am giving you the before and after (please note that the before is edited but without texture and in some cases other various brushes have been added (dodge & burn, blur, sharpen, vignettes, etc.)

I am extremely interested to hear your thoughts, comments, and suggestions.  I want to hear both what you like and don’t like.  I’m a big boy and can take it but constructive criticism is what i’m looking for.  I have been trying to use textures and actions for a long time and I have learned so much through studying other photographers work.  Thanks in advance and enjoy!  See below for a list of textures and actions I regularly use.

Thanks for stopping by I really appreciate it!  In addition to some of my own actions and textures, here are a few links to some incredible actions and textures that I regularly use.  There are tons more out there, some free and some not-so-free but I am only listing those that I use.  Feel free to tell me in the comments about some other actions and textures you may use in your photography.  Take care

Jesh De Rox Fine Art Textures and Color Shift Actions – Absolutely amazing, I use them on almost every photo

Boutwells Totally Rad Actions – Also amazing, I use them all the time

Jessica Drossin Textures – Resolution is not super high but they are very good and can be enlarged


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Each day I leave for work a little before 6am in the morning… and it’s still dark.  Out here in beautiful sunny California, you rarely get anything but perfectly blue skies (not accounting for the good ol’ LA smog).  However about 2-3 months out of the year we get clouds and in turn get some incredible sunrises and sunsets.  We are talking brilliant colors and incredible cloud formations which make for some seriously breathtaking sites.  That being said, all of these photos have been taking from my car (and in most cases, while hanging half-way out the window or sun roof as I swerve all over the road going 70mph).  People must have thought I was crazy since my flash kept firing (forgot to turn off the auto setting on the flash and blinded myself a couple times).  Kids don’t try this a home… or in your car for that matter

I thought I would post these because an incredible London based photographer  that I follow made a great point in her post yesterday.  It’s not about what camera you use or wish you had or even for that matter if you know how to use it perfectly.  It’s about taking pictures with whatever camera you have and having fun doing it.  So don’t be afraid to just get out there and click away.  Capture life because it’s so worth being captured. 

All pictures taken with my point and shoot Canon PowerShot SD1100 and edited with the amazing Jesh de Rox Color Shift Actions (specifically, Light off the Water, Mountain Air & Warm 70’s Love, and for B&W, Good Evening and Warm 70’s Love)

You can view the images larger by simply clicking on them.  Enjoy!

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Complete with real big cowboys (and real little ones), county singers and old boots hanging on the barn, here are a few shots from our cowboy excursion at a super fun little farm a few months back.  They even had a llama…look out they spit!

Happy New Year Everybody and thanks for stopping by!  Have an incredible 2010!!!

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